Asociace institucí vzdělávání dospělých ČR, o.s.
(Association of Adult Education of the Czech Republic)
ICT Pro s.r.o. is a member of the largest professional association with its tradition since 1990, which aims to promote the interests and needs of adult education institutions, to concentrate professional capacities for solution of design and development in this area.
AIVD is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), Union of Employers' Associations of the Czech Republic and international experts’ system - ReferNet. The AIVD Czech Republic is represented in the National Council for Qualifications, National Advisory Forum, expert group of Ministry of Education, Accreditation Commission for retraining programs of the Ministry of Education and many other boards and committees.
The AIVD organizes training courses focused on professional development of trainers and training of people authorized by law 179/2006 CL. The AIVD has started to organize Weeks of Adult Education ® since 1995, as well as study tours, conferences, seminars or workshops.